kame|kames in English


mound of sand and gravel left by a glacier (Geology)

Use "kame|kames" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kame|kames" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kame|kames", or refer to the context using the word "kame|kames" in the English Dictionary.

1. I Blatters nascono nel 2007 con la formazione iniziale di 3 dj: Detox–Spass– Kame

2. The date refers to the time of moraine and delta-kame construction and confirms an earlier estimation.

3. Because the sediment of these hills was deposited into a proglacial lake, they are stratified and classified as a "kame delta".

4. Blasty (Japanese: カメちゃん Kame-chan) is a Blastoise that Green owns in Pokémon Adventures and her fourth overall

5. 250pxGreen's BlastoiseAs a Mega Blastoise Blasty (Japanese: カメちゃん Kame-chan) is a Blastoise that Green owns in Pokémon Adventures and her fourth overall

6. He was a dyed-in-the-wool empiricist in the manner of Bacon, Locke, Kames, and Hume and lack of Acquaintancy with philosophical empiricism often leads to …

7. He was a dyed-in-the-wool empiricist in the manner of Bacon, Locke, Kames, and Hume and lack of Acquaintancy with philosophical empiricism often leads to egregious errors—especially when it comes to apprehension of Jefferson’s views …